Captain Kirk's Rules for Gym Etiquette

Captain Kirk’s Rules for Gym Etiquette

I was in the gym the other day, watching someone do curls in the squat rack and was hit with inspiration. I’ve always been a big fan of Captain Kirk.  I remember watching reruns of Star Trek on T.V. as a kid and I’ve been a fan ever since.  So, I thought it would be fun to take a look at what Captain Kirk might have to say about gym etiquette.

1.  Clean up after yourself. kirkbench If you get something out put it away. No one should have to look all over the gym for a missing dumbell or unload your plates because you were too lazy to do it yourself.

2. Back away from the dumbell rack. Captain Kirk gym meme If you’re using dumbells back away from the rack, don’t stand right in front of them. Other people are probably going to want in there while you’re doing your set.  A good rule of them is to back up 5 or 6 steps out of the way.

3. Don’t talk on your phone in the gym. Captain kirk gym etiquette Don’t talk on your cell in the gym, unless it’s an absolute emergency.  If you must do it, leave the training area.  You don’t see Kirk on his communicator while he’s in the gym, do you?

4. Don’t leave your stuff laying all over the gym. Captain Kirk gym etiquette If you’re bringing your stuff into the gym, turn around and get yourself a locker. Don’t leave your gym bag, hoodie and other stuff laying around. Imagine what the place would look like if everyone did that.

5. Don’t ogle other people. Captain Kirk gym etiquette Everyone has done this at one time or another but remember most people are there to work out and don’t want to be stared at.  This goes for men and women.

6. Don’t linger. Captain Kirk gym etiquette meme If someone’s using a piece of equipment you need, ask them how many sets they have left.  They’ll often ask you if you want to work in.  If they don’t ask you, then you ask them, unless it’s just not reasonable to do so. Don’t circle around like a vulture. It’s awkward for them and you.

7. Do not curl in the squat rack. Captain Kirk gym etiquette Do not curl in the squat rack. Most gyms only have a couple and there is no where else to squat.  There are many other places to do curls. Almost all gyms have a spare barbell or two laying around.  If there aren’t, consider using an ez bar.  It doesn’t matter where you do them, just listen to Kirk and don’t curl in the squat rack!

8. Wipe the equipment down after you use it. Captain Kirk gym etiquette Wipe down the equipment after you’re done with it.  No one wants to walk up and see the imprint of your sweaty behind on the bench.

9. Don’t be an equipment hog. Captain Kirk gym etiquette Remember the gym is a public place and you’ve got to share it.  If you’re doing supersets, trisets or giant sets expect to share the equipment, especially if it’s at peak time.  Yes, even if it’s your Crossfit workout of the day.

10. Don’t make people wait forever at the water fountain. Captain Kirk gym etiquette If you’re at the fountain filling up a huge water bottle at the fountain and someone is waiting behind you for a sip, let them go ahead. It’s just good manners. Don’t make people wait 5 minutes for you to fill up.

Kirk is notorious for not following the rules, what do you think, would Kirk follow his own advice or would they be more of a guideline?  I’d say he’d have a hard time with number 5, in particular. Let me know in the comments section what you think about gym etiquette.  What rules did I miss?  What are some of your pet peeves in the gym?

6 thoughts on “Captain Kirk’s Rules for Gym Etiquette”

  1. these were great! … I’d say the one that bugs me the most is people using improper form or momentum just to lift heavier … IT’S NOT going to help build the muscle people lol .. and it just makes you look silly not strong

    OH and when people make horribly, LOUD, unnecessary grunting noises .. yes, breathing is important, and some of us do it louder than others, HOWEVER, use your indoor voices 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I’m really happy you enjoyed the post! There’s plenty more I could say about the topic, but I’ve got to save something for the sequel 😉


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